Merveilleux cadeau de la part d'un des tous meilleurs artistes de 2014: Caribou vient de publier un long message de remerciement destiné à son public pour le " récompenser " du soutien tout au long des dernières années.
Shuffle it baby!The last few years of my life have been incredible, thanks in large part to all of you - so I've been thinking of how to say thank you.
As you can imagine, music has been a central love of my life since I was a teenager and over the years I've been introduced to a lot that has stayed with me. I've collected the majority of that music here - and I thought sharing it with you seemed like one way I could say thanks.I'm sure some things are under-represented or over-represented, but roughly speaking this is a musical history of my life. Of course a lot of this music has come to me through my friends - thank you to Koushik, Kieran, Jeremy, Gary, Brandon, Jason, Sam, Ketan, Ryan, Toby and many others...
Also, please share music with me that you think I would like but is not included here, in the hope this becomes a dialogue rather than a monologue.I suggest you listen to this on shuffle as I made no attempt to sequence these tracks - I just entered them as I browsed along the shelves in my record collection. If you see dead links or duplicate songs please tweet me @caribouband.
I hope you find something to enjoy here. Thanks,