1. "tubu-Tubu" : de petites gouttes de chocolat
2. "sube-sube" : bords lisses et coins3. "zara-zara" : granulaire comme du papier4. "toge-toge" : bouts pointus5. "goro-goro" : quatorze petits cubes connectés6. "fuwa-fuwa" : doux et aéré avec de nombreux petits trous7. "poki-poki" : un cadre en bâtonnets de chocolat8. "suka-suka" : un cube creux à parois minces9. "zaku-zaku" : tiges minces de chocolat formant un cubephotos by Akihiro YoshidaJapanese designer Nendo was elected designer of the year by Maison & Object, and created for the occasion a series of incredible chocolates. He explored the shape of chocolate through 9 different textures of the same size, 26 x 26 x 26 mm. Each texture and shape (hollow, pointed tips, cube,...) gives a different taste. These chocolates can be tasted and purchased at Maison & Object (Hall 8 F1-G2) in a lounge designed by Nendo, resembling a chocolate forest.Each chocolate is directly named after Japanese expressions used to describe texture:1. “tubu-tubu”: chunks of smaller chocolate drops
2. “sube-sube”: smooth edges and corners3. “zara-zara”: granular like a file4. “toge-toge”: sharp pointed tips5. “goro-goro”: fourteen connected small cubes6. “fuwa-fuwa”: soft and airy with many tiny holes7. “poki-poki”: a cube frame made of chocolate sticks8. “suka-suka”: a hollow cube with thin walls.9. “zaku-zaku”: alternately placed thin chocolate rods forming a cube