Bonne fêtes à tous!
En espèrant que l'année cinématographique écoulée vous aura divertit, autant que moi j'ai eu le plaisir de chroniquer les principaux films sortis en 2010 ...Tous ne sont pas encore sortis dans nos salles, mais cela ne saurait tarder. Puisse ce florilège vous inciter à aller les voir l'année prochaine. Je profite de ce moment pour remercier les quelques 650.000 visiteurs qui se sont aventurés chez MichCiné en 2010
A l'année prochaine!
Tous les films sortis (aux Usa) compilés au travers de 6 vidéos absolûment démentielles.
Le tout fait près de 35 minutes de plaisir cinématographique..
En ce qui concerne le dernier clip. Tout en étant très complèt, c'est celui qui me plaît le moins....Sans doute parce qu' aucune musique n'accompagne les extraits. D'où une certaine lassitude. Mais bon. C'est néanmoins le seul qui propose la liste alphabetique des titres inclus. Titres que l'on retrouve dans les autres clips, mais dans un ordre aléatoire. (Souligné: films qui ont fait l'objet d'un billet ici. A retrouver au moyen du Google search en haut à droite)
- 127 Hours -A Nightmare on Elm Street - Accidents Happen -after.Life - Alice in Wonderland
- All Good Things - Alpha and Omega - The American - Animal Kingdom - Another Year
- The A-Team - Babies - The Back-Up Plan - Barney's Version - Barry Munday
- Best Worst Movie - Biutiful - Black Swan - Blue Valentine - Boogie Woogie
- The Book of Eli - The Borrowers - The Bounty Hunter - Boxing Gym
- Breaking Upwards - The Brest Fortress - Brooklyn's Finest - Buried
- Burlesque - Cairo Time - Carlos - Case 39 - Casino Jack
- Casino Jack and the United States of Money - Catfish - Cats and Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore
- Cemetery Junction - Centurion - Certified Copy - Chain Letter - Charlie St. Cloud
- Chico and Rita - Chloe - Chloe - The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treade- City Island
- Clash of the Titans - Client 9: The Rise and Fall of Eliot Spitzer - The Company Men
- The Concert - Conviction - Cop Out - Countdown to Zero - Country Strong
- The Crazies - Crazy on the Outside - Creation - Cyrus - Date Night
- Daybreakers - Dear John - Death at a Funeral - The Debt - Defendor - Despicable Me
- Devil - Diary of a Wimpy Kid - Dinner For Schmucks - The Disappearance of Alice Creed
- District 13: Ultimatum - Dogtooth - Don McKay - The Dry Land -Due Date
- Easy A - Eat Pray Love - Eclipse - Edge of Darkness - elle s'appelait Sarah
- Enter The Void - Exit Through the Gift Shop - The Expendables - The Extra Man
- Extraordinary Measures - Fair Game - Falling Awake - Farewell - Faster - The Fighter
- Film Socialisme -Finding Bliss -Fish Tank - Flipped - For Colored Girls -Four Lions
- From Paris With Love - Frozen - Furry Vengeance - Get Him To The Greek -Get Low
- The Ghost Writer - The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest - Going The Distance
- The Good, the Bad, the Weird -The Good Guy - The Good Heart - Great Directors - The Greatest
- Green Zone- Greenberg - Grown Ups - Gulliver's Travels - Happy Tears - Harry Brown
- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 - Heartbreaker - Heartless
- Hemingway's Garden of Eden - Hereafter - Holy Rollers - Hot Tub Time Machine
- How Do You Know - How To Train Your Dragon - Howl - Hubble 3D Hugh Hefner: Playboy, Activist and Rebel - The Human Centipede - I Am Love - I Love You Phillip Morris - I'm Here
- I'm Still Here - Inception - The Infidel - Inhale - Inside Job - Iron Man 2
- It's Kind Of A Funny Story -Jack Goes Boating - jackass 3D -Joan Rivers: A Piece of Work
- Jolene -Jonah Hex- The Joneses -Just Wright -The Karate Kid - Kick-Ass
- The Kids are All Right - The Killer Inside Me - Killers - The King's Speech -Knight and Day
- La mission- The Last Airbender - The Last Exorcism -Last Night - The Last Song
- The Last Station -Last Train Home - Leap Year -Leaves of Grass - Leaving
- Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole -Legendary -Legion -Let Me In
- Letters to God -Letters to Juliet -Life As We Know It -Life During Wartime -- Like Dandelion Dust
- L'Illusionniste -Little Fockers - The Losers -The Lottery -Lottery Ticket -Love and Other Drugs
- Love Ranch -The Lovely Bones -MacGruber - Machete -Made in Dagenham- Marmaduke
- Meek's Cutoff -Megamind-Mesrine-Metropia-Middle Men -Monsters -Morning Glory
- Mother -Mother and Child -Multiple Sarcasms -My Name Is Khan -My Soul To Take
- Nanny McPhee and the Big Bang -Ne Change Rien- Never Let Me Go- The Next Three Days
- Night Catches Us -Nowhere Boy -The Nutcracker in 3D -Oceans - October Country
- Ondine -Ong Bak 3 - The Other Guys - Our Family Wedding -Paper Man
- Paranormal Activity 2 -Peacock -Peepli Live - Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief
- Perrier's Bounty - Piranha 3D -Please Give -Predators -Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
- Princess Ka'iulani A Prophet - Rabbit Hole -Ramona and Beezus -Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale
- Red -Red Hill -Remember Me -Repo Men -Resident Evil: Afterlife -Restrepo -Robin Hood
- Rogues Gallery; -The Romantics -The Runaways -Salt - Sanctum -Saw 3D
- Schemer - Scott Pilgrim vs. the World -The Secret of Kells -Secretariat -Sex and the City 2
- Sex and Drugs and Rock and Roll -She's Out of My League -Shrek Forever After
- Shutter Island -Sint -Skyline -Smash His Camera -The Social Network -Solitary Man
- Somewhere -The Sorceror's Apprentice -Soul Kitchen -Splice -Spoken Word - Spring Fever
- The Spy Next Door -Standing Ovation -Step Up 3D -Stolen Lives - Stone - Stonewall Uprising
- The Switch -Takers -Tales from Earthsea -Tamara Drewe -Tangled -The Tempest
- The Tillman Story -Tiny Furniture -To Save A Life -Tooth Fairy -The Tourist -The Town
- Toy Story 3 -TRON: Legacy -True Grit -Twelve -The Twilight Saga: Eclipse
- Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives- Unstoppable- Valentine's Day
- Valhalla Rising - Vampires Suck- <<the Virginity Hit - Waiting for Superman
- Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps - The Warrior's Way - The Way Back -Welcome to the Rileys
- When In Rome - White Stripes Under Great White Northern Lights - Who Do You Love
- Why Did I Get Married Too? - Wild Target - The Winning Season - Winter's Bone - The Wolfman
- Wonderful World - The Yellow Handkerchief - Yogi Bear - You Again -You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger
- Youth in Revolt