A crazy cake? Yep, it's its name. Always on the lookout for newcupboard recipes, and one using vinegar for my entry into June #alphabake competition, I found this recipe on Bakingbites.com blog. It's also called the Depression cake, Bundlt cake, crazy cake. It comes from a time when supplies were scarce-hence a recipe without eggs or butter. Is it really possible to make a cake like this? Well yes, and a nice one too (once filled with speculoos paste and raspberry jam!!! lol)

Voila la recette, facile, tout en "cups" americaines, donc meme pas besoin de balance en plus : Here's the recipe, all measured in American Cups, so you don't even need a kitchen scale:
Eggless Chocolate Bundt Cake
2 1/4 cups all purpose flour (farine T45)
1/2 cup cocoa powder (cacao amer en poudre)
1 cup sugar (sucre cristallisé)
1/2 cup brown sugar (cassonade)
1 tsp baking soda (levure chimique)
1/2 tsp salt (sel)
1 cup water (eau)
9 tbsp vegetable oil (huile vegetale)
1 tsp vanilla extract (extrait de vanille)
1 tbsp apple cider vinegar /white vinegar(Vinaigre de cidre ou blanc)

LA RECETTE EN 5 COUPS DE CUILLERE: 1.Faites chauufez le four a 175 degrees et beurrer un moule couronne ou des petits moules. Moi j'ai fait des petits coeurs pour gouter parfait apres l'ecole. Preheat oven to 175 degrees then grease and flour a 9-inch bundt pan or individual moulds. I did some little heart shape ones for after school snacks. 2. Dans un grand bol, tamisez la farine, le cacao, puis ajoutez les sucres, levure et sel. Melangez bien. In a large bowl, sift together flour and cocoa powder. Whisk in sugar, brown sugar, baking soda and salt. mix well. 3.Versez l'eau, le vinaigre, la vanille et l'huile. Melangez rapidement mais pas trop longtemps, jusqua' obtention d'une pate souple. Pour in water, vegetable oil, vanilla extract and vinegar, whisking thoroughly, but quickly, until the batter comes together and is quite smooth.
4. Versez dans le(s) moule(s) et faites cuire 22 minutes environ pour des petits gateaux, 45-50 pour un gros. Pour into prepared pan and bake for about 22 minutes for little cakes and 45-50 minutes. 5. Laissez refroidir 10 minutes avant de demouler. Ensuite, garnissez les de pate a speculoos, confiture, ou encore couvrez les de ganache au chocolat. Allow to cool in pan for 10 minutes, then turn out onto a wire rack to cool completely. Then fill it with speculoos paste, jam or/and cover with chocolate ganache.

Si vous voulez vous joindre a l'alphabake du mois prochain, regardez sur le blog de carolinemakes ou Themorethanoccasionalbaker. C'est sympa, essayez!
If you want to join the next alphabake, have a look on carolinemakes blog or themorethanoccasionalbaker blog. It's fun, give it a try!

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